rise of the tmnt live watch archive
this is an archive of my twitter liveposting thread for rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles from november 2023 to mooostly december 2023, with a handful of rewatches.
it's honestly mostly screenshots and me being like "oouugghh so cute" lmao. i'm not a very eloquent livetweeter when i really enjoy a show unfortunately... any thoughts i have usually develop after digesting the story and characters for a bit. i should probably make a page for that too. (i have a LOT i wanna talk about re: the boys and their lack of belonging in every community they're supposed to belong to)
pages 1-4 are most of the show, 5 is the finale + movie, and 6 is extra screenshots. warning for Leo Loving and spoilers.
Nov 29, 2023 #1
ok i found a place to watch rottmnt. beginning of the end
Nov 29, 2023 #2
I GOTTA SAY i get why this is so popular an iteration of the turts!!! it feels like they went out of their way to try and bring something new to the franchise. from the turts all being different types to raph being the leader to their relationship with splinter.
i got a lot of this based on fic and art and clips and the wiki but now that i'm watching it i really see it. i get why fans who started with rottmnt likely might not be As into mume, so im happy that as a mume starter i can be crazy about both
Nov 29, 2023 #3
this is so funny. the look of discomfort.

Nov 29, 2023 #4
scorpion treadmill...

Nov 29, 2023 #5
"you're so cute but so mean! why do i always go for your type?" IT'S A TOMATO WITH LEGS DONNIE...

well. i can't judge.
Nov 29, 2023 #6

Nov 29, 2023 #7
oh theres an episode where they get sick. okay. im so normal about this.
Nov 29, 2023 #8
donnie's VA is so good like he's made me laugh irl. i hope he does more things
Nov 29, 2023 #9
thurop van orman jumpscare!!!!!!
Nov 29, 2023 #10
oh they CANNOT be those ages. those guys are like eighteen at LEAST

Nov 29, 2023 #11
"I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! DAD, I CAN SEE YOUR TAIL! I, GHH— oh papá! if you surrender now, there shan't be any consequences!" obsessed. what a guy

Nov 30, 2023 #1
april earnestly walking in for a job interview at a cardboard store they set up where they're selling paper but they don't have paper it's all salami. and never mind all that, this just looks so disappointing sdfnsdhdsnhd

Nov 30, 2023 #2
some of the delivery in this show is really laugh out loud funny why are they this way
Nov 30, 2023 #3
why is this the second of donnie's crushes so far and why is he 2 for 2 on thick mascots with blush and eyelashes
donnie i could be your girl sans the mascot part. i'm even mean

Nov 30, 2023 #4
i won't say a word.

Nov 30, 2023 #5
"you know it would really help me if you guys said that i was your champion 🥺 my god.

Nov 30, 2023 #6
donnie's frowns :(((

Nov 30, 2023 #7
cute screenies... scared mikey and worried leo

Nov 30, 2023 #8
ok THERE'S the teenage part jumping out... such resentful looks while being scolded <3

Nov 30, 2023 #8
oh i love these two guys actually

Nov 30, 2023 #9
sdfngbhfdhbhdfbh AHHHHHHH

Nov 30, 2023 #10
the repo mantis can kinda get it
Nov 30, 2023 #11
(after a very cool fight sequence) *throws a fish at the enemy*

Nov 30, 2023 #12
the lou jitsu-turtles parallel scenes really fuck. great job team. im gonna rewatch that
Nov 30, 2023 #13
babygirl............... (+ donnie mahou shoujo kinda)

Nov 30, 2023 #14

Nov 30, 2023 #15
i love the style variations in this show. also mikey in this ep is so silly i like him